Seven Steps of Manifestation

About 7 years ago, I was in a particularly turbulent time in my life. I was struggling with chronic pain and unexplainable neurological symptoms. I was completely burnt out from working at a job I didn’t feel aligned with and had decided to take some time off to recover and get clear and connected to a higher power so I may find a way to align with my soul’s purpose.

During this time, I came across a video of Bashar who shared 7 Steps to Manifestation. Following those steps literally changed my life. So I thought, for my first blog post, why not share those steps with you!

Here we go!

  • Step 1: Visualize what you want.

BE SPECIFIC. Get super clear on what you want. Draw pictures. Journal about it.

  • Step 2: Be excited about what you are envisioning.

Be excited in anticipating that what you are envisioning is on it’s way to you! Let that feeling wash over you. Really feel it!

  • Step 3: Believe that it is possible.

Anchor into your own inner knowing. You’ve been guided to find these instructions at this particular time. Reality is conspiring for you to have the life you came here for!

  • Step 4: Accept that your belief and your ability to manifest that belief as true.

Just FYI: What you are imagining for yourself…It’s REAL, it’s written in the script of your life and it’s on it’s way to you right now.

  • Step 5: Have the intention to manifest your desire.

You’re doing it. It’s happening. No if, ands or buts. The wheels are clicking onto the tracks, let’s GO!

  • Step 6: Behave like your desire has already happened.

This step literally attunes your frequency to the reality that you are calling in. What is your posture be like? How do you act towards others/yourself? What activities or practices are you doing with that desire already manifested?

  • Step 7: Detach from the outcome, be intense with your desire without grasping to the expectation that it manifest.

Let go completely. Surrender to the divine unfolding of existence. Trust! KNOWING it is on it’s way to you. This is THE MOST IMPORTANT step. If you cling or grasp at your manifestation vision, there is a part of you who doesn’t trust that it'‘s possible and if you don’t believe it’s possible, it either won’t happen, or it will be a partial manifestation.


Following these steps brought me to work at a float centre with humans who I can honestly say are my Soul Family. I was very specific about working at a float centre with people who I feel aligned with. When I got in touch with the owners, the company didn’t even physically exist anywhere. They too were in manifestation mode. They were in another province and all they had was a facebook page (and that’s how I found them!). Following those steps also brought me to become a visionary collage artist. My very first collage now lives in the lounge of the float centre.

How cool is that?

It really is THAT easy.

If you’d like some support through your manifestation journey, you know where to find me!

You got this!

Sending you so much love.
